Below are the resolutions for the 1999 General Synod.
Affirmation of Partnership with the Protestant Church in East Timor
Border Justice Issues: A Challenge for the 21st Century Church
Creating Four Special Mission Offerings
Ending the Stranglehold of Global Debt on Impoverished Nations
Legacy of U.S. Atomic Testing in the Marshall Islands: U.S. Accountability
Partnership in Mission & Ministry Between the Congregational Church in American Samoa & the UCC
Dialogue Between the Alliance of Baptists & the UCC
In Solidarity with Victims of Religious Persecution
Redressing the Effects of 1996 Welfare Legislation
Hearing the Voice of the Churches
Against the Apparel Industry Partnership Agreement
Interfaith Relations & the Churches A Policy Statement of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA
Affirmation of Partnership Between United Congregational Church of Southern Africa and UCC
Continuing Need for Hispanic Ministry
Bringing Justice & Peace to the Middle East
Global Warming
Affirming & Strengthening Marriage
Men’s Ministry in the United Church of Christ
Prevention of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, &Transgender Youth Suicide
Violence in Our Schools – Beginning an Ending
Licensed & Ordained Ministries in the United Church of Christ
Re-affirming the Fourth Amendment in the Wake of the Diallo Shooting
Call for the Abolition of the Death Penalty
Calling the People of God to Justice for Persons with Serious Mental Illness (Brain Disorders)
Calling of Clergy With Disabilities
Access to Health, Dental, and Disability Insurance for UCC Clergy & Lay Employees & Their Families
In Support of the Farm Labor Organizing Committee’s Boycott of Mt. Olive Pickles